This study aims to see the reality of religious education in the family of craftsmen in
Ternate City, the family of Ibu Ulfa, a craftsman by utilizing natural waste. This
research is qualitative research. This study takes a case study that focuses on the
overall religious activity of the artisans studied. The data collected through the
observation and interview activities then analyzed interactively and lasted
continuously to complete. Religious education in the family can be seen from the
aspect of aqidah, akhlak, syariah. Experience and understanding of this religion then
seen his transformation of religious education through cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor aspects. Aqidah is seen from the level of family belief in Allah SWT.
morality seen from the attitude and personal behavior when faced with the reality of
life. And sharia is seen how far social relationships with others. The role of parents is
also very influential in the transformation of children's religious education to
knowledge, attitude and behavior patterns of children in community life. Religious
education from parents instills a sense of religiousness in children so that bit by bit
will be attached to the values of religion in children. And will build good character
and positive behaviors in the association.
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