• Siti Arafah Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Makassar
Keywords: Alkahiraat, Development, Islamic Education, Boalemo


This study aims to describe the development of Islamic education by Alkhairaat in
Boalemo. This type of research is qualitative by using data collection method through
observation, documentation and wawacnara. The results showed that the presence of
Alkhairaat in Boalemo (Tilamuta) in 1967 was the forerunner of the growth and
development of Alkhairaat in Gorontalo. Alkhairaat from time to time continue to
experience development and improvement, starting from the beginning to the current
period, pioneering education starting from kindergarten / TPA to college. Development
of education Alkhairaat in Boalemo in five sub-districts in Boalemo where educational
institutions vary from TK-MA. The presence of Alkhiraat as the organizer of Islamic
religious education, has been responded positively by the society, and became the
foundation for the society and considered to be able to answer the educational needs
of the young generation in particular and the fulfillment of religious needs for the
common people.


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