This article is projected to describe the process of institutional status transfer of IAIN
to UIN Alauddin Makassar according to Azhar Arsyad's perspective, which is one of
the initiators of the transformation process of the State Islamic University. By utilizing
the social history approach, specifically the intellectual / historical history, this study
examines the main points of thought Azhar with regard to the siginifikansi discourse
with respect to the importance of wider mandate of State Islamic University. which has
been using institutional nomenclature with all the limitations that are concentrated on
the discourse of the scientific paradigm which tends to be monolithic and atomistic,
which is only concerned with Islamic discourse an sich, whose estuaries often
culminate in the growing dichotomy between science and Islam, which is essentially
like two inseparable sides of the coin. Taken for granted, Azhar also constructs a
scientific integration paradigm, which is actually applied in UIN in the framework of
breaking the chain which, during the two entities, a dichotomy between science and
religion that is originally like two inseparable coins, if it refers to the scientific
paradigm of Islam. Concretely, Azhar is more holistic about the classification of
science, and which is not spared by Azhar is improving the process of education and
learning in UIN post-institutional transformation
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