This study aims to seen the implementation of character education in
educational units especially in Madrasah Aliyah, which focus on the
implementation of character education and supporting and inhibiting factors in
the implementation of character education MAN 1 Kendari. This study used a
qualitative approach through simple observation of the curriculum character
management, a brief interview with the headmaster and educators, conduct
visual documentation of the facilities and infrastructure, and literature on some
related literature. The results of this study, 1) In implementative of character
education in MAN 1 Kendari has long been applied through the guidance of
religion, its application is not in the form of subjects (monolithic), but integrated
into the process of learning, self development activities/extracurricular, and
familiarization school, 2) Factors supporting the implementation of character
education to the support of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in the form of
socialization of character education in each of the activities, the involvement of
supervisors in providing guidance, the role of school committee in support of all
the program launched by the madrasah, caring headmaster, teachers and
education personnel in create a religious atmosphere in the madrasah in the
hope of fostering the realization of a noble character to the students, as well as
the role of the organization madrasah. Inhibiting factors in implementing a
characterized curriculum in the absence of regulation that can be used as a
legal umbrella for the implementation of character education in madrassas,
some educators do not understand the concept of planting character values that
will be developed in each learning process and the role of supervisors who are
not yet maximal.
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