PELAYANAN MASJID KOTA (Masjid Sigi Lamo Kesultanan Ternate)

  • Abdul Rahman Arsyad Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Makassar
Keywords: Service activities, mosque, sultanate, Ternate


This study aims to identify and describe the forms of service and influence of
the Sigi Mosque Lamo in improving religious and social activities of the
community.. The research problem, how is the form of service and supporting
and inhibiting factors in city mosque activities. The approach used is
qualitative descriptive methods. The results showed that the implementation of
religion and religious coaching dominant was carried out in the Mosque of the
Sultanate of Sigi Lamo by using customary management of the sultanate.
Service of Worship, preach and religious education through Fardh Prayers,
Friday and Islamic holidays. Women cannot join prayer in congregation with
men, men are not allowed to use sarongs, must be long pants and wear cap /
skullcap, and the limited Khatib and Imam who can lead and preach in the
mosque of the sultanate, all of which must be through the inauguration of the
Sultan. Supporting factors, the managers are enthusiastic in managing the
procession of activities and have a high concern and are obedient to the
sultan's policies. Inhibiting factors, management and operational factors
manually, the limited da'i. There is a need for collaboration between the
mosque management and the government (Ministry of Religion) and the
community about the development of da'wah. The sultanate may be able to give
space to all the sultanate mosques in the fulfillment Khatib without any


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