BELAJAR AGAMA ISLAM DI KAMPUS UNIVERSITAS HALUOLEO KENDARI (Relevansi dan Ketepatannya Modul Bahan Ajar dengan Kebutuhan dalam Perspektif Tadqiq)
The subject of religious education is one of the general courses that must be
programmed by students in public universities with the aim that students can
have a religious spirit of faith and fear the Almighty God in carrying out the
profession, not to become a religious expert. Based on these objectives, the
material should be taught according to the needs of students. In addition, the
campus should provide standard religious reading materials, can be used as a
general reference by lecturers and students, and meet scientific standards that
make it easy for readers. This study reviewed Islamic Religion textbooks in
Haluoleo Kendari University based on relevance and accuracy with needs,
using the approach and analysis of tadqiq. From the search results, the teaching
material used was made by the lecturer only limited to the teaching material
module. In this study, there are three modules that are used as study material,
modules written by Bambang Sugianto, Muammal Gadafi and Jahadaa. From
perspective of the discussion theme, the three modules appear to be different
from each other. But in general, it refers to the regulations issued by the
Directorate General of DIKTI Ministry of National Education and the Director
General of Religion Education Ministry of Religion. While from the perspective
of the accuracy of the quotation from the Qur'anic verse, Hadith and general
quotations, the three modules are not consistent in writing techniques so that it
can be difficult for readers, especially those who work in non-religious fields
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