• Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
Keywords: NU, university, PTNU, role, and contribution


This research seeks to describe in depth the role and concrete contribution of NU University (PTNU) to contemporary education in Indonesia. This research method uses a historical approach which is a process of examining and critically analyzing records and legacies regarding the role and concrete contribution of NU University to contemporary education in Indonesia. The sources of this research are in the form of written and oral (unwritten) sources. The stages of implementation of this research are divided into four stages, namely the heuristic stage, the criticism stage, the interpretation stage, and the historiography stage. This research concludes that NU has proven to have made a real contribution to the advancement of education in Indonesia, including the development of NU University. The original concept of NU education was Pesantren which has now been developed into the realm of NU University which prioritizes collaboration, cooperation, and participation. NU University in Indonesia has collaborated in further developing the world of universities at the national and international levels. NU’s great contribution to development in the field of university, it is evident that NU has very serious attention to the development of education in Indonesia. That is why, until now NU has assets of thousands of educational institutions, from the most basic level to the tertiary level. In the context of this research objective, NU as part of civil society has been proven to have contributed to the success of the growth and development of the climate for basic education at universities in Indonesia.


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